Political Summary starting with McCluhan’s predictions from "Understanding Media, the
Extensions of Man” (c.1960)
January 17, 2012
I love the implication here, TV has become "the
truth"; even to the point that when
we are in a natural environment, we "believe" the TV before we
believe the environment that we can and are experiencing with our own senses
in the present. This is a perfect example of what Marshall McCluhan (a Canadian
futurist at McGill) predicted in the late 50's. His main work was
"Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man".
points out, as bicycles, cars, and airplanes are extensions of our feet; electronic
media( TV, radio, computers )are extensions of our nervous systems to the point that the inputs far overwhelm, on a daily basis, our evolved capacity to cope with
such massive amounts of mental stimuli. Thousands of generations of homo sapiens
lived their entire lives without a single new bit of information. That is until
methods of mass communication began with writing about 10,000 years ago; and, then exploded with the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Gutenberg, which made extraordinary (for that day and time) a one hundred fold increase in the ordinary
persons' acsess to new information.
McCluhan's main point is about mechenasms that we use to cope with this overwhelming
onslaught of data. This is to ignore or block most of it out by primitive defense mechanisms
like denial and avoidance. Being unconscious of this process makes us very
vulnerable to unconsciously make poor choices about what data we avoid or deny.
It is clear that in the past forty years this is exactly what has happened. The
weary family returns home from an overly stimulating environment at work and
school. They all plop down on the couch and "tune in to whatever is on the
TV". Truly, TV is, in effect ,a narcotic for the masses. They ignore each
other and stop or avoid helping each other with their problems.
no wonder that politicians with devious and nefarious ambitions have been able
to take complete control of the government from county/city to Congress, as the
majority of people who used to pay attention to politics are now totally distracted
by fantasy programs on TV.
Now, as we awaken from our unconscious denial and
avoidance, we find that the superrich and control freaks (anti-social
personality disorder) have completely taken away our constitutional rights and
freedoms, and left us with a system based on fear, greed and corruption.
new "rulers" now arrogantly assume that they are in control; and ,there is nothing the middle class (the one major factor preventing their total
unopposed power) will not allow them to do. (they can ALMOST
do that now).
But the Lion (the rebellious spirit that is fully alive and
potent) in us is waking up. The so
called “99%” that have been abused and neglected for 2 decades are seeing the
direction we are going. They are disturbed and furious at what they see.
internet that makes all knowledge available to anyone at any time or place, has
opened the world's eyes to the plot to destroy our democratic republic and
replace it with a midievil type aristocracy, with 3% of the superrich residing
over the remaining 97% who will become wage slaves. The 99% is furious to see
the future from the Radical Eyes of the Radical Right whose main goal is to
overthrow the Government at every level and turn it into a fundamentalist
Theocracy. This plan as endorsed by several radical “Christian” groups, would
be a nightmare for generations to come. Such religious rigidity and persecution was the main reason many of the
Founding Fathers ancestors immigrated to the infant colony at great risk and
with uncertainty. That is why the
founding Fathers put so much emphasis on Separation of Church and State.
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