Weather and Disease Reporting as a Method of Fear
July 15, 2015
The super-rich who own and control all major media
outlets are using weather "new" into a method of keeping the public
afraid, and this post is a perfect example.
The CDC is manipulated to do the same thing every time a new
"lethal" virus shows up anywhere in the world. They always reference the new viral threat to
the pandemic after WWII that killed 20 million people. But in EVERY INSTANCE since 1918, there has
never been in such an occurrence. There
is some aspect of viral disease transmission that the CDC does not
understand. They state that world travel
makes these lethal viruses more easily spread, but my son (a biology/chemistry
major) and I think the opposite is true. World travel exposes all travelers to
1000 times (a rough guess) more organisms than a century ago. These small doses of exposure prime the
immune system to attack newly mutated organisms which are only slight variants
of the organisms that world travelers have already been "inoculated"
against, the killer mutants are quickly defeated. Not long ago a lethal virus showed up in
Mexico, not far from the border. The CDC
issues a panicked alert.
Rest of the story: only ten deaths resulted, all
Mexicans in the hospital where the killer virus was discovered. No spread of the disease even in Mexico. One American potentially exposed and he
returned to the States, and never became ill in any way. Ten deaths from any
cause is tragic. But was this drama fabricated by elite disease watchdogs
worthy of being called “news” and frightening millions of people? America still has 30,000 deaths per year due
to drinking and driving; something we could do something about if we had the
political will, but we don’t.
Climate Change, and its cause, Global Warming, which
we homo sapiens are the sole cause is the most important “news” in the history
of our species, and we can do something about that: STOP USING FOSSIL FUELS. But were are so frightened we are paralyzed
and so far have done NOTHING about this news that threatens the extinction of
our species in a generation or two. Who
benefits from our idiotic behavior? The
already obscenely super rich. We are in
effect committing suicide so the rich can get richer before we fry our entire
species due to global warming? Marshall McCluhan predicted that TV would make
us mentally ill in the late 50’s, and we didn’t listen. He predicted we would loose our sense of
values, loose our ability to think critically, and become addicted to TV in
precisely the manner that people become addicted to heroin. Every thing he
predicted has come true, as illustrated by the examples above. Researchers have figured out the exact
mechanisms by which TV causes us to latterly “loose our minds” by 2003. Still we do nothing to combat our TV
addiction, will become catastrophic if because we are unable to cope with
Global Warming because of our TV addiction, in effect, TV will be the
instrument by which the super-rich led us like lemmings to suicidal extinction
of our species. So the super rich will
be even more obscenely rich as we all perish.
Come on Americans, we are better than that. Let’s at least give stopping Global Warming
our best effort, and go down swinging.
There is at least some honor in that.
But to be lead to our demise by a tiny fraction of the population who
cannot tell right from wrong is idiotic and wrong by any belief system that
values life itself. Take the power and
money away from these selfish antisocial money hoarders, and fight for our
lives. You got anything better to
Final note: Roosevelt
and Congress taxed the rich at 95% during WWII, and the rich didn’t even
complain (at least in public).
Extinction by Global Warming is so much a bigger threat, that it is not
even worthy of a detailed comparison.
A gentleman and a scholar
Austin, Texas
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